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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Products and Programs that Can Help Lose Weight

 Lose Weight

               Many available weight loss products and programs offer quick solutions to weight problems. It is a fact that it is a very hard task to achieve the desired weight. Before you get into a weight loss program, it is important that you check the cost of the whole session. Most of these programs offer high cost registration fees and may pressure you to buy pills and special supplements that will help you to have a physically fit body.

                Over 50 million of Americans are engaged in weight loss programs, but only 5 percent sustain the weight they have worked off. Many people think that losing weight is easy; they may encounter the struggles of working out and dieting in the course of their weight loss programs. Many are still finding the most effective way to get rid of the excess weight in their body not realizing the fact that there is no such thing as a quick solution to get rid of the excess weight in a short time.

               One solution that is seen by experts to be the answer to weight problems is the change of the lifestyle of a person. Eating healthier foods and having an active lifestyle only proves that it is the most effective way to lose weight.

              Products that are sold over the counter to help you in your weight problems and even weight loss programs that enables you to have a regular exercise everyday can cost more money. If you want to engage in these kinds of programs, it is important that you must first get the enough information on how good the products or programs are that made others look good and achieve a physically ft body.

           Although weight loss products and programs have the capability to help you lose the unwanted weight, it is important that you must select the program that can truly guide and help you in your quest for a physically fit body. To have a healthy diet could be the most recommendable thing that one must do to help the overall health aspects.   

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

About Aromatherapy

What is Aromatherapy?
                  Aromatherapy is the science of using fragrant essential oils from trees and plants, natural herbs to enhance a person’s health and his beauty. The field of aromatherapy is becoming famous because people are looking for a better solution to new days emerging diseases as an alternate to existing system of medicine in allopathic, ayurvedic etc. It is science and art of using herbs and essential oils from trees and plants to make use of their medicinal value. Aromatherapy is a practical, safe and inexpensive means of better health. In this method by which essential oils taken from natural aromatic plants, and herbs is taken in crushed form used to enhance the health of a person and also for the emotional well being of person.

Where the concept did came from?
              Early Egyptians used this herbs and essential oils to purify their body for life after death in pharaohs. French Chemist Rene Maurice is credited with the origin of the term Aromatherapy. The story of the term Aromatherapy begins with him. It was accidentally this term came into existence. The story of the beginning of this term Aromatherapy is explained in following lines below:
              While in the year 1920 he was working in his lab he burned his hand and then to get relief from this severe pain he plunged his arm in lavender essential oil that was the only cold substance around him at that time. This action healed his hand rapidly and here it gave birth to a new science. This French chemist devoted his remaining life in exploring the healing power of natural essential oils and medicinal values of herbs.

What are applications of Aromatherapy?
 Aromatherapy is widely used in treatment. It is an accepted system of treatment in many countries. Some of applications of aromatherapy are as:
It can give immediate relief from severe pain as soon as the wounded or burned portion of a person body is brought in contact of cold of herbs and essential oils. Products like lavender are used to treat burn victims while scents are used to recover a person from anxiety and depression.
              Essential Oils are high concentrated extracts of plants which are hundred times powerful than the plant itself and can be very efficiently used in treatment. Many types of essential oils are used for their smell only. Example: The scent from plant Eucalyptus is used to provide relief from problems like chest congestion.
               Many essential oils are used for their anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory property. Tea tree oil is used to recover from ringworm and fungal infections etc.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Essential Oils

About Essential Oils

                Essential Oils are the basis of Aromatherapy treatment to diseases in a patient. Essential Oils are used to alter or enhance emotional state of mind to achieve goals. The connection of mind with body is a powerful force and Essential Oils are used to make use of this force in their way to providing treatment to a patient. Aromatherapy is branch in herbal medicine that makes use of the medicinal properties of herbs and plants. Aromatherapy consists of two words Aroma and Therapy where the word aroma refers to the fragrance or smells a group of chemical compounds, wines, flowers from which essential oils are extracted and therapy refers to any of measures adopted for treatment of disability or disease, it is a generic term to use and describe any psychological or medical system of treatment designed to promote the physical health and mental well being of a person. It is the attempted recovery from any of health problem.

Presence of Aroma:  
              The aroma you can find every where in all your surroundings. You can find aromas in fruits, plants, barks, roots, roses in gardens, tangy limes, lavender and lemons. Soaps and shampoos include essences of plants, fruits and flowers.

Carrier Oils: 
           Aromatherapy requires use of pure essential oils. Since some Essential oils are toxic so they must be utilized carefully with attention to receive benefits of this natural gift. The Essential Oil obtained after distillation from essences of plants, flower and fruits is highly concentrated so it must be first diluted with the carrier oil. Carrier Oil allows the Essential Oil to slowly to penetrate through skin, and prevents from any inflammation. The most common types of carrier oils used are jojoba, sweet diamond, rose hip, olive, sunflower, sesame, safflower, hazelnut etc.

 Storing of Essential Oils: 
              Essential Oils should be stored in jars or glass vials and plastic containers should be avoided for this purpose. These bottles should be colored cobalt or amber. Store these Essential Oils in cool and dry place. Generally Essential Oils lasts from 1 to 3 years but few are exceptions like Citrus Oil which last in 6 months to 1 year.

         Multi purpose Essential oils are Lavender, Rosemary, Tea tree, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Rose, Pine, Sandalwood, Peppermint and Lemon.