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Thursday, August 30, 2012


            Psychological and emotional stress among mothers may trickle down to their kids and increase their children’s risk of having diabetes. Mothers who experienced a stressful event such as divorce, domestic violence, mental tension and work pressure have an increased risk of developing diabetes. Parents who are often stressed out or are having problems is the number one stressor among children. Without the parent’s knowledge, children may get stressed, raising level of cortisol-also called the “stress hormone”.

            Cortisol is found adjacent to the kidneys and is released in response to either physical or psychological stress. It breaks down muscle protein into its component amino acid which then circulates the bloodstream. These amino acids are used by the liver in the manufacture of glucose for energy increasing blood sugar level and at the same time lowering the use of glucose as fuel. The excess and deficiency of cortisol in the body may trigger some system disorders such as autoimmunity damaging the insulin-producing beta cells thus resulting in insulin deficiency.

             Children with diabetes who experience frequent episode of severe low blood sugar or hypoglycemia particularly at an early age may have reduced long-term memory performance than diabetic children who experience severe hypoglycemia at a later age. A diabetic children’s spatial memory performance may be greatly affected by episodes of extreme low blood sugar. Hypoglycemia is an abnormally low level of glucose in the blood or low blood sugar.

             Anti-diabetic medicines that are taken orally by the mouth are effective as insulin injection in controlling symptoms of diabetes. The number of people with diabetes continues to rise while their ages at the time of diagnosis drop. Type 2 diabetes, which used to be called adult - onset diabetes, is now striking children, due largely to the obesity epidemic. Overweight and obese kids that present identifying symptoms like darkness around neck and armpits area are those who frequently get urinary tract infection (UTI).

             Diabetes if not properly managed can lead to many complications such as amputation and damage to key organs of the body like the eyes, kidney and the heart. It takes every ounce of restraints and discipline on the part of the patient to be able to follow the rigid diet and medication regimen required for the management of disease.
            Having diabetes requires careful examination of ones sugar level. Besides watching for sign of high blood sugar, they also have to be aware of warning signs of blood sugar or hypoglycemia. Using blood glucose meter, a person who has diabetes can tell his/her sugar level is low. Normal fasting blood sugar is 70 to 100 mg/dl.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Headaches due to Tension

What are tension headaches?

              Tension headaches are headaches caused in people due to tension in mind. Most people describe it as a constant achy feeling on either side of head. Some people also feel tightness in their head and neck muscles. It often starts in middle of day and begins gradually and slowly. Some people also call it as stress headaches that means when people say that they have stress headaches they mean by saying this that they have tension headache. It may be severe or mild, but when it is severe it sometimes may be more painful and dangerous and do more harm than migraine headaches.

How to diagnose?

           Tension headaches can be analyzed and diagnosed by the inspection of your doctor. Your doctor can tell the nature of your headaches by an examining you and studying the description of pain given by you. And to diagnose this problem technique like Blood Tests, X-Ray or brain scans are usually not required.

What treatment to take in which situations?

              When your tension headaches are occasionally then simple pain reliever which can be taken without prescription can be useful. But while choosing these pain relievers you should first of all check the label for possible side effects which may be caused due to interactions with other medicines you are taking. So to avoid any such possibilities you must read the instructions on the label and follow them carefully. If you are still facing any problems regarding how to take the dosage you must consult your reliable doctor or pharmacist.

              But if your tension headaches are not occasionally and occur everyday or at regular short intervals of time then these pain relievers will not give you the right treatment and so in this type of situation you should consult your doctor this is because the medicine which he will prescribe you will be more beneficial for relieving the pain at the time of these tension headaches. These medicines referred by your doctor not only help in relieving the pain but sometimes also useful in preventing these headaches to take serious forms. It is always advisable to treat the tension headaches when they are mild before they take some serious forms this is because in earlier stages these headaches can be cured more easily.
Fixing You: Neck Pain & Headaches: Self-Treatment for healing Neck pain and headaches due to Bulging Disks, Degenerative Disks, and other diagnoses.

What other techniques could be useful to relive pain from tension headaches besides using medicines?

          Besides taking medicines you can also use several other techniques to get relieve from pain in tension headaches. These techniques include:

  • Take enough sleep or rest
  • Put an ice pack on your neck or head at the time of these headaches
  • Regular exercises of 30-60 minutes 6 times a week will be useful in relieving the pain
  • Take everyday walk after meal or move on a long vacation to relieve yourself from your busy life.



Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to Prevent a Migraine

There's a new wrinkle on headache cures : botox. It often works when nothing else does By Sanjay Cupta,M.D.

                        Half the 28 Million Americans who get migraines never see a doctor about them. That is a shame, because not only are there plenty of drugs that can alleviate the often debilitating pain of migraines, but there are also whole classes of medication that can prevent them in the firste place. These include ceta and calcium-channel blockers that improve the flow of blood to the brain ? Anti-depressants that regulate levels of the brain chemical serotonin and various anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-seizure medicines (epilepsy and migraines, for reasons no one yet understands, seem to have common origins).

                        Unfortunately, a large group of migraine suffers-perhaps as migraine sufferers –perhaps as many as 9 million in the U.S. alone –find no protection or relief in today’s drugs. That is why there was so much excitement at American Headache Society last month in Seattle about the news that socalled refractory migraine patients respond well to treatment with Hollywood’s new favorite drug :botox.


                        The discovery that botox can prevent migraine was a lucky accident. Plastic surgeons using diluted botulism toxin to remove wrinkles started hearing about a secondary effect. « Patients, » remembers Dr. William Binder? ‘’came back saying, Not only have my wrinkles disappeared, but my headaches are also gone. ‘’

                        As word spread in the medical community, more doctors began offering botox to their migraine patients. Finally, two years ago, a team of scientists at Wake Forest University in North Carolina decided to put the treatments to a scientific test. They administered potox shots to 134 patients who had not responded to standard treatments. Eighty-four percent reported some improvement; among patients who got the full four-session treatment, the success rate was 92%.

                        Dr. Todd Troost, chairman of neurology at Wake  Forest and lead research on the botox study, says he is not entirely sure why botox works. ‘’It appears to relax muscles in the head, neck and jaw that when inflamed may trigger migraines, ‘’ he says. But Troost adds that it also seems to interfere directly with the brain’s pain-signaling mechanism.

                        The FDA, which in April approved botox injections for wrinkle removal only, has not yet endorsed botox as a treatment for migraines-although doctors are able to administer it to patients ‘’of label.’’  The treatments are neither easy nor cheap. They involve 30 or 40 injections around the head, temple, jaw, neck and shoulders, caste $1,000 or more and wear off after three or four months. Some patients will still prefer less invasive preventive measures, such as getting plenty of sleep and cutting back on red wine, chocolate and aged cheese.

Yet Shirley Kennedy, 52, speaks for many patients when she swears by her botox shots. For 30 years, she says, she suffered from migarines so severe that she felt  ‘’as if every hair on my head was about to blow off’’ that has all changed . ‘’Botox was a lifesaver ,’’ she says. ‘’I no Ionger have migraines.’’ She probably has fewer wrinkles too.

With reporting by Miriam C. Falco/Atlanta (TIME magazine July 2002)

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